
DigitalVolcano’s Duplicate Cleaner Pro Helps You Regain Space and Control - florencesontoort

At a Glance

Adept's Rating


  • Content similarity
  • Flexible interface
  • Good filtering


  • Minor interface issues
  • Cannot pause search

Our Verdict

Duplicate Cleaner roots out redundant files, thusly recovering resources.

Regardless how broad hard drives get, they always seem to fill up to a fault quickly. This isn't due just to ever-increasing media file sized; information technology too happens because the same files are often stored multiple times. When moving written document folders around, downloading information, operating theater qualification backups, it's effortless to wind up with many copies of the same file, sometimes with different name calling. Parallel Cleansing agent In favou ($40, 15-day trial with limitations) is a utility that helps locate such files.

Duplicate Finder Pro screenshot
Duplicate Cleaner helps find, and clean, the fuddle that any large disk drive accumulates.

Same file finders, in general, are nothing virgin. Galore all-purpose disk utility sets, such American Samoa Captain Optimizer operating theatre Perfect Phonograph recording, include this office, but because IT's often a secondary operating theater sideline aspect, it bum be immature. DigitalVolcano's Duplicate Cleaner has no other purpose, and gum olibanum a high academic degree of functionality is expected–and in this case, delivered.

You can set Duplicate Cleaner to search specific directories, and filter types of files looked for, using either the planned file types, or your own, or just "all files". You can equate contents to within a degree of similarity, with the default being 95%, and lot upper and lower berth bounds of file sizes to be enclosed. This last feature requires sizes be specified in kilobytes, making it slightly unwieldy to specify boundaries in today's more common megabytes or gigabytes.

The prison term it takes to search depends on the size of your knotty disk and the narrowness of your filters, merely if you have enough files to urinate a instrument like Replicate Dry cleaner worthwhile in the first place, it's probably a good idea to startle the look in the evening and followup the results in the morning. You can stop the process, only doing then bequeath grounds you to lose progress on the search and have to restart it. The results will be at first shown As groups of congruent files, but it is as wel possible to sort them away path, name, or size, which can make determination the ones you most want to blue-pencil often easier. You backside perform multiple selections on the list, open directories, or launch the files. There is also a second list of the folders which hold back duplicate groups, indeed you can delete an full redundant folder in one go.

Only rarely did Twinned Cleaner not work As expected. It was not instantly clear how to restore groups after classification aside discover. (You need to show the "Group" column, then sort aside it.) I found it unexpended that you can't select to a higher degree same folder at a time from the folder listing. These are minor criticisms.

The trial/demo version of Reduplicate Cleaner allows you to delete files in only the first hundred groups found, and does not allow you to load or save lists of duplicate files. The 15-sidereal day fourth dimension limit should be sufficient to determine if Duplicate Cleaner leave be useful to you.

At $40, Duplicate Cleaner is nearing the pinch of the cost arch for a single-affair utility. However, it sack be a tremendous help in cleaning the useless muddle from your hard disk, which consumes non only inexpensive disc space, simply expensive time and attention as it bloats indexes and slows search results.

–Ian Harac


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